Hackerspace Weekend Festival

About | Schedule | Sponsors | Talks | Exhibits | Gaming | "Anti"-socials and Reception


Hax 5.0 was a weekend festival at Skullspace. This is our annual opportunity to celebrate and promote our broad hackerspace community, which included technologists, musicians, DJs, gamers, crafters, artists and other tinkers. The festival condensed the hackerspace experience into an entire weekend.

This is an archived version of the Hax 5.0 website. See our frontpage for the latest Hax

Hax 5.0: May 17 - May 19, 2024

Friday May 17, 2024

Anti-social featuring electronic music, dancing, frace painting, and gaming. 8pm-4am.

Saturday May 18, 2024

Saturday afternoon, 10am-5:45pm:
(free event)

Saturday evening:

6pm-11:00pm A free reception after the talks featuring Infyuthsion (chillout and synthwave), kid missive (analog party breaks), and our Anti-social licensed bar.

A previously announced late evening event was cancelled.

Sunday May 19, 2024

Chill and open house day
(free event)


Exhibits and gaming (workshop/lounge/classroom)

Dinner break, 4pm-6:30pm space will be closed. Potentially there will be a group outing to a pub on foot. To be decided spontantouesly at the space

Movie night with Thor, 6:30pm. Featuring two documentaries until 9pm and possibly one bonus movie. In person in the lounge and online at http://skullspace.fullspeed.tv (put that URL in a media player such as VLC).

You can also reach out to members of the organizing committee directly.


Saturday Talks

11:30am Ian Trump -- Cyber Privateer or Cyber Pirate
12:45pm Jim Sutton, VE4SIG -- The Least Boring Presentation on Ham Radio You Will Ever See
2:00pm Straithe -- Open source community management. By video conference
3:15pm Shibashis Bal -- double presentation:
  • A dive into the NIST AI Framework (An exploration into how some Generative AIs meet the NIST AI Guidelines)
  • Challenges on Challenging Disruptions to Our Watersheds (A report on how local communities have inquired against companies developing land on natural water sheds).
5:00pm Michael Ossmann, founder and CTO of Great Scott Gadgets -- Software defined radio and the law. -- By video conference.

All talks will be available in the Skullspace classroom. Those held by video conference (Google Meet) will also be available to remote participants.

We also had a YouTube Stream. We have archived it and will post editted versions of videos

Following our talks there was a free reception until 11:00pm with Infyuthsion (chillout and synthwave), kid missive (analog party breaks), and our bar serving drinks. See the anti-social and reception section for additional details.


Exhibits were available for the public look at and/or play with during our free Saturday and Sunday hours.


Table-top gaming sessions with hosts

Video game consoles and setups that will be present

Anti-Socials and Reception

Our festival features two of our signature "anti-socials". These ticketed events, May 4 and Friday May 17th are electonic music dance-parties plus all manner of geeky gaming (video and tabletop) at the back of our space.

This year, following our Saturday talks we are having a reception, 6:00pm to 11:00pm on Saturday May 18 which is a free community event featuring music artists and a DJ (details below.)

(high res poster)

About | Schedule | Sponsors | Talks | Exhibits | Gaming | "Anti"-socials and Reception